You know there's a saying in Christian circles that we should really understand.

God did not give us prophecy (and I add the Truth about what's happening around us) to scare us. He gave us prophecy (Truth) to prepare us.

Jesus commands us to know the times and watch. We may not like to deal with all that is happening but if we do not pay attention and understand the times then we are not going to be prepared to handle what's coming. I think there will be a lot of people fall away because they are not prepared to deal with the Truth (Reality) that is right in front of us. It's a sad and hurtful thing to see the people you love fall in that trap. We must always fight for them even to the point that we are grabbing their feet to stop their slide into hell. Our short time in this life is nothing compared to eternity.

God has done and is doing all He can to bring everyone He can to Heaven short of forcing anyone to choose Him.

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