Every day Americans are hearing how China and Russia will become the dominant rulers of the world... The only power that these two communist nations have to rule the world is fear of the possibility of a nuclear attack... China is looking to make American currency no longer hold value in trade with other nations... China wants other countries to trade with their currency... If American government leaders weren't so divided and more concerned about Americans' future... America could still hold all the cards in world trade and put China and Russia in their place... When President Nixon held office he destroy America's future and set to give away our ecomney... That was by his doing of removing American currency from the gold standards... Today America is the largest holder of GOLD...America has more GOLD than any other country... China and Russia together don't even come close to America... Congress needs to return American currencies back to the GOLD standards... This will save America from falling into the hands of China, Russia, and every other communist country...

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