
1 year ago

Finally some good news for parents

Did you see the news? The House GOP just passed the first ever Parents Bill of Rights, giving parents the ability to view and adjust their kid's curriculum according to their personal beliefs. This is a huge step in the right direction as far as education is concerned in America. For too long, educators have been enabled to dictate what and when students learn in the classroom. Too many teachers have used their classrooms as a stage to cram their woke beliefs down the throats of students.

Fortunately, that's all about to change. But, if you ask Democrats, this is yet another example of "Fascism", wherein the GOP is trying to control the education of America's students. This couldn't be further from the truth, as the bill gives control back to parents. Hopefully, this bill will give parents a choice over what their kids learn at American public schools. Until very recently, the only hope of conservative parents for protecting their kids from woke indoctrination was to homeschool them. For a lot of working parents, that simply isn't an option.

But the bill, which had zero support from Democrats, spits in the eyes of woke indoctrination. My hope is that the GOP bill will put an end to blue-haired, woke teachers talking about their sexuality instead of teaching math and science. If you'd like to learn more about the GOP's "Fascist" education reform bill, please read this article from Fox News. An excerpt from the article has been copied below:

The House voted to pass the Parents Bill of Rights Act on Friday over objections from Democrats who argued the bill is aimed at promoting "fascism" and "extreme" views of Republicans by making it easier for parents to ban books and out LBGTQ+ students.

The GOP bill is a response to growing anger across the country about access to information on everything from school curricula to safety and mask policies to the prevalence of gender ideology and critical race theory in the classroom. Parents’ anger over these issues at school board meetings led to an effort by the Biden administration’s Justice Department to examine the "disturbing trend" of violent threats against school officials.

House Republicans reacted by approving the Parents Bill of Rights Act, which would require school districts to give parents access to curriculum and reading lists and would require schools to inform parents if school staff begin encouraging or promoting their child’s gender transition.

'Parents Bill of Rights' wins zero votes from Dems who attack it as 'fascism,' 'extreme' attack on schools

'Parents Bill of Rights' wins zero votes from Dems who attack it as 'fascism,' 'extreme' attack on schools

The House on Friday passed the Parents Bill of Rights Act over objections from Democrats who called it "fascism" and an "extreme" attempt to ban books from schools.
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