I know you may be tired of me, but I am issuing another wake-up call.

Television is programming knowingly or unknowingly programming you. If you are watching network news, the most trusted name in the report, the fair and balanced network, or national news repeated by local stations and believe they are informing you, you are mistaken; they are programing you. Progressive, in their commercial, tells you they are shows, not programs; they do that for a reason, subliminal messaging.

The instrument of television we all have in our home is a platform for Satan. Your television presents to you as an 80-year-old woman, in a press conference so, you could never think she is evil. You indeed cannot believe she is responsible for the death of one person, much less millions. You could never imagine in a lifetime that the oldest medical adviser and the highest-paid government employee have been giving bad advice for over forty years that is responsible for the death of millions (remember HIV?).

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