Many are all-out propaganda networks; some report some accurate news but distract from what is essential. Sexual assault by an official might be accurate, but it distracts from the genocide he knowingly participated in with the 80-year-old woman you think could never do that.

We are at war with a massive network of evil a large percentage of the population has grown to trust. We must stop. This evil domination should be the topic from every pulpit in the USA, but it isn't, so it is up to us. We are "we the people." We all said we would not have supported slavery, we would have spoken up when they loaded people on trains, or we would not have drunk the cool-aid. Yet millions of good people are accepting things put into their bodies with no clue what it is. Allowing government schools to abuse and harm their children and the government to deprive thousands of life-saving medication and inflecting treatment to end life. We must stop!

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