Hello everyone, a little about what I'm trying to do with and accomplish with my life.

I'm mentally disabled and unable to hold a job after my car wreck on my way to work (ironic huh), Monday 27 June, 2005. I serve the community through cutting grass and snow removal and recently came to realize that I've been living my American Dream (stage 1), of helping and serving others since roughly Spring 2010. Unfortunately in all in need of assistance myself but I try to do what I'm able to do for others including volunteering my services and working with my clients whom are struggling worse than myself.

Stage 2 is I'm financially comfortable and can get myself squared away and then work with others in order to help and serve others (meaning getting money to those in need via fundraisers or whatever needs to be done to assist the people out), investing in my community growing out to surrounding communities and keep branching out until I'm able to invest icommunities while helping and serving others in need nationwide!

Stage 3 is I'm financially independent and I can do all of that on my own without needing to work with others to get assistance to those in need as well as investing in communities.

I'm finding it a tad difficult to put all of this into this status thingy as it keeps lagging and messing up the more I put but if you would like to, please feel free to reach out to me at any time.

Ps I figure I might as well include this more often but I have a "sub" program that I started up with clients as a way to help myself financially as well as be more convenient and other things for my clients. Sooo, if you'd like to sub me to help me out at all and be a part of the greatness I'm trying to achieve with my life of being and serving others, please feel free to reach out to me. WHEN I achieve stage 2 or more ideally stage 3 of my American Dream, I'll be able to volunteer my services to all if my clients and I foresee my "sub" program as being a way for me to achieve that.

For anyone that takes the time to read this, I thank you for your TEA (Time, Energy and Attention) (a term I'm trying to spread to hopefully get others to catch onto it and such). I've used the term a number of times on YouTube if you want to look it up at all.


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