This is a good indicator of just how many uncompromised & clear thinking members of Congress the American people can count on: 2 out of 435.

If you've any critical thinking skills at all, you know the war was lost before it began & it wasn't Russia's fault. The US installed, Ukraine gov poked the bear repeatedly, violating the 2014 Minsk accords. Putin could've squashed Ukraine in weeks but dragged it to weaken the west financially & militarily. Now Ukraine's army's all but gone, the ground's frozen & Putin's got, at least, 750,000 troops, hundreds of T-90 tanks & an unlimited number of sophisticated missiles & drones to finish it.
Ukraine's gone. It's a done deal. Why keep sending $billions & assets - half that doesn't make it to the Ukrainian people or army?

Any border $ in this omnibus bill's dedicated to moving as many illegals INTO the US as quickly as possible, w/$0 going to stopping it.

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