Many universities are requiring students be vaccinated as a requirement for admission, but not staff or faculty. Why force those least affected by the virus to get jabbed, but not those most at risk? Because those most at risk don't matter while the young represent the pool the military can draw from and this is what you do if you want to diminish your military or limit who joins and test their loyalty. The jab represents loyalty.

Even the US military's own data shows increases in pulmonary/cardiac/reproductive systems compromise post jab, not in the hundreds, but thousands of percent. So why continue to require the jab in the face of that? Because you want to use it to see who is loyal and get rid of those you suspect are disloyal. I can't think of a better way to diminish and/or replace a force the admin believes may not be completely loyal to their agenda and may not do as told if ever ordered to act against their own citizens. This admin obviously views those resisting the jab as unloyal. If the goal is to simply diminish, even if you have the most sophisticated military capability, it's useless w/o people to run it.

Once you get rid of the "undesirables", they can be replaced by a presumably more loyal stock drawn from the 20-30 million illegals now in this country who will, no doubt, be granted, by EO, a path to citizenship which, BTW, is not required to serve.

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