Seems people have often thought saints to be insane & burn them at the stake.
There was a guy long ago in the Guru Nanak lineage of history that lived in a village & had lived an especially difficult hard horrible life & his reaction to it all was a great joy & appreciation of life.
The villagers noticed this & concluded that he was insane & burned him at the stake.
Even while his body was in horrible pains while he was dying in the fire - he was enjoying life.
During Trump’s term on the political stage I had the growing sense that the MSM was burning Trump at the stake . . . doing a slow Trump roast while Kathy Griffin retweets pic of bloody ‘decapitated’ Trump head after president claims victory in 2020 election.
I had felt that the Globalist WEF UN NWO Establishment of Military Industrial Crime & Tyranny Corporation of the IMF could have had Trump & his whole family easily killed anytime they had wanted to but that it was more effective to teach any other crazy upstart political lunatics that they can do even worse than death to them by doing the slow MSM roast so that the roastee & his family all get to feel the rising heat consume them as they writhe in existential agonies & all of humanity gets to watch this horror & think:
“wow ! I am never going to express an un-politically correct opinion ever - look at what happens when you do . . . I will just shut up & be a meek little slave & live unscathed as long as possible.”
So Trump played a very useful role in making us into obedient slaves. (according to the mass manipulators of the MSM)
But who would have ever wanted to endure such a horror ?
I can see that Trump really relied on his connection with the people to endure such a horror - without lots of people to back him up . . . he’d not survive the intense pain of these ruthless vilifications & lies by the big ruthless robotic bureaucracy of insanity that rules for omnipotent power & will kill all humans that resist.
It is Futile to Resist !
The insane International Corporate MSM teaches us this continually with their vast power connected to the vast historical power of the continuation of the elite power that has long crushed humanity’s potentials to be human & instead makes us as a species a low form of treacheries & ugly evils.
So every once in a while a saintly saint appears & gives us humans a glimmer of hope.
Then the ever-present slimy politicians use their velvet smooth boots to grind into the faces of humanity to teach us the errors of our hopeful ways.
& now “AI is highly likely to destroy humans”, Elon Musk warns
‘Should that be controlled by a few people at Google with no oversight?’
& who controls Google ?
(It appears to me that they are the most powerful insane greedy power lusters devoid of humanity in their robotic imitations of humans who hate humans & use their powers to torture us to death . . imo)

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