Homeschooling our son is one of the best decisions of my life. I prayed for discernment and guidance when our son was 4 years old. I pulled him out of preschool even though others said it was a bad decision. Fast forward from the year 2000 til now and my son is one of only a few young adults that I know that made it through public college without getting indoctrinated. These kids are being are being heavily influenced by academia and peers. Truth be told, I wish now that he had skipped college and gone to trade school because it’s been such a roller coaster. However, this is the world we live in now. I pray that parents will seek God’s guidance and be proactive!!! I’m sure there’s a few of your friends that feel the same way. Get together and hire a teacher ( that’s left a public school) to teach your children. You have choices!!! Don’t let the school system bully you!

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