The Biden administration is making moves to address the ongoing migrant crisis at the US-Mexico border, as officials warn of looming shifts and increases in traffic.

In recent weeks, the number of migrants apprehended at the border has reached record highs. The administration has attributed the increase to a number of factors, including the lifting of COVID-related restrictions on travel, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, and the perception that the Biden administration is more welcoming to migrants.

To address the crisis, the administration has announced a number of measures, including:

Increasing the number of border patrol agents.
Building more detention facilities.
Working with Central American countries to address the root causes of migration.
Issuing more deportation orders.
The administration has also said that it is working to address the challenges of processing migrants, including the lack of adequate housing and medical care.

The administration's moves have been met with mixed reactions. Some have praised the administration for taking action, while others have criticized the measures as being too harsh or ineffective.

To learn more about What The Biden Admin has planned for the order Crisis read this article from Fox News. An excerpt of the article has been copied below:

The Biden administration is taking a number of actions in response to what appears to be the beginnings of an increase – as well as a shift – in migrant traffic at the southern border.

Numbers of overall migrant encounters at the southern border itself went down after the highs seen before the end of Title 42 in early May, confounding some predictions. There were over 200,000 encounters in May and that dropped to around 144,000 in June.

However, as the Biden administration touted that decrease in numbers as a sign that its post-Title 42 strategy is working, numbers have reportedly been increasing. The Washington Post reported last week that initial numbers show a 30% increase in July.

Will The Biden Admin Finally Take Action to Address Migrant Crisis?

Will The Biden Admin Finally Take Action to Address Migrant Crisis?

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